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The best QR codes are animated.
Animated Codes Made Easy
Bring interactivity to any screen by using one of our animated QR codes to assist your customers to knowledgeably and safely scan your QR code-based promotion.
We are the ultimate provider of custom or branded QR codes. From simple whole code animations that gently grab any viewer's attention, to highly intricate visualizations where each code tile is uniquely animated to your branded image, we can offer you a QR code improvement like no one else can.
No subscription necessary - buy one and it works forever.
Think 'inside' the box.
You’ve already attracted people's attention with your investment in digital signage. Now convert them to valuable online clients with our eye-catching (human recognizable) codes. People can now scan your QR code by simply pointing their iPhone or Android standard camera; no special apps are required anymore.
Easy to make - You can make one right now
For anyone presenting QR codes on electric display, check out the animations in our Animation Library. When you see the animation that is best for you, tap the upper right 'Try/Buy' button. This will start our QR Code Designer, a series of pages which will guide you through the details we need to make your animated QR code; animation choice, image, quality/price, and embedded message. In a few minutes, your mp4 file will be delivered.
For social media, video and tv production, become a subscriber and use our Animation Engine to generate broadcast quality animations whenever you need them. This professional option grants subscribers complete access to all our animation parameters.
For high volume, become a subscriber and have your front end software access our API to generate animations on a fully automated basis. Have your own QR code generation pipeline? Add our animations to your offerings to give your clients a truly complete suite of QR code options. Software developers can learn more about our service on read-the-docs [↗], or try our published Postman Collections.
Standard QR codes are free from our Standard QR code Generator and API.
Scan to Connect
Major mobile manufacturers have advanced QR code technology by making QR code scanning a baseline function of their phones and camera software. This has removed the last friction point for efficiently-designed scanning-based transactions. Just point your phone camera to scan and receive a discount, or even make a purchase. You can also use apps with a built-in scanner like Facebook, Snapchat or Twitter to instantly bring you from offline to online.
A lot of magic
Though ACME’s engine is simple to use, below the surface there's a sophisticated digital pipeline developed through decades of experience in the 3D animation productions of Hollywood's Visual Effects Industry. We can’t wait to show you our exciting new animations.
QR code designs
QR code designs
Why QR Codes?
Scanning is 10 times faster than typing
Reports performance (Analytics)
Why Animated QR codes?
Educates your audience
Informs a ‘call to action’
Increases attraction through motion
Adds a layer of interactivity to any video
Viewer understands the code
Aligns with high quality branding
Difficult to counterfeit
Easy to generate and update
Capitalize on Marketing
You have already invested in the hardware, software, and content of your digital signage display. Realize the returns and cash flow of that investment with a 3D Animated Code from ACME.
Voting Music downloads
Sports: Action replays
Stats on players
Coupons, Wayfinding
Mapping, notices, schedules
CLUBS/RESTAURANTS/JUMBOTRONS: Merchandise, Coupons, Geofilters
We know how important your security is. is SSL encrypted and our trusted payment system is PayPal.
If you'd like one of these for your TV commercial, call us or use our order form
In the Press: Everyone's talking QR codes
2022 Adweek: How QR Codes Made Waves at the 2022 Super Bowl
2021 Forbes: How QR Codes Can Enhance Your Marketing Strategy
2020 Payments Journal Will Use of QR Codes Grow in the Age of Social Distancing and Eventually Displace Cards?
2019 Digital Media Shoppable Videos May Be The Next Evolution In Television
2019 Adweek: NBCU Becomes First National Broadcaster to Offer Shoppable Ads
2018 Customerthink: Why QR codes are here to stay
2018 BusinessWire: Juniper Research: Mobile QR Code Coupon Redemptions to Surge, Surpassing 5.3 Billion by 2022
2018 Wired: The Curious Comeback of the...QR Code
2017 Forbes: Apple Just Made QR Codes A Must Have For Your Strategy
2017 Mashable: Why Facebook and Snapchat are pushing QR codes...
2017 Tech Crunch: Facebook updates Messenger with support for QR codes...
2017 Wall St. Journal: How WeChat Founder’s Obsession With QR Codes Reshapes Chinese Internet
2016 Business Insider: The Rise of M-Commerce: Mobile Shopping Stats & Trends
2016 Clickz: How WeChat Wallet has kept QR codes alive in China
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